My favourite – software

System Software Engineering

Month: September, 2013

Rational Systems and Software Engineering Solution

Please take a look at Getting To Smarter Systems Faster Blog. IBM Rational has some systems and software engineering development life cycle tools and many information is available at that Blog. Please visit and take a look at its messages.


My name is Hirotaka Matsumoto, and I work for IBM as a member of the Emerging Technologies team.  As a member of this team, I am planning on sharing my thoughts and insights about System Software Engineering in this blog.  I hope to provide my readers with some valuable information, as well as links to where the best information on this subject exist.  Keep watching this blog for more content in the coming weeks and months.

The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s position, strategies or opinions. Anyone is free to use, copy, distribute, modify or sell the source code and other materials directly linked from and is provided “as is” without warranties. I am not responsible for any harm or damage caused to your computer, software or anything else caused by the material.